Concentration Diagnosis as the Key to Prevent Burnout
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In today's dynamic business environment, concentration problems have become a silent killer of productivity and employee satisfaction. If left unrecognized and untreated, they can lead to serious consequences, with the most severe being professional burnout. The reasons for concentration difficulties can vary greatly, ranging from medical issues (e.g., sleep problems caused by hormonal imbalances), auditory challenges (e.g., impaired auditory processing making it difficult to work in an open office), to psychological factors (e.g., poor information hygiene leading to impulsive use of social media, bordering on addiction). These challenges contribute to the following process:
‍Difficulties with concentration lead to reduced performance.
2.   Growing frustration:
The inability to focus on tasks causes increasing dissatisfaction with work.
3.   Vicious cycle:
Frustration deepens concentration problems, creating a self-perpetuating loop.
4.   Emotional exhaustion:
Constant struggles with tasks result in emotional burnout.
5.   Cynicism and depersonalization:
Lack of success can lead to negative attitudes toward work and colleagues.
6.   Reduced sense of self-efficacy:
Ongoing difficulties undermine confidence in one’s abilities.

Te kłopoty przekładaja się na następujący proces:

1. Spadek efektywności: Trudności z koncentracją prowadzą do obniżonej wydajności.
2. Narastająca frustracja: Nieumiejętność skupienia się na zadaniach powoduje rosnące niezadowolenie z pracy.
3. Błędne koło: Frustracja pogłębia problemy z koncentracją, tworząc samonapędzający się cyl.
4. Emocjonalne wyczerpanie: Ciągłe zmagania z zadaniami prowadzą do wyczerpania emocjonalnego.
5. Cynizm i depersonalizacja: Brak sukcesów może prowadzić do negatywnego nastawienia do pracy i współpracowników.
6. Obniżone poczucie własnej skuteczności: Ciągłe trudności podkopują wiarę we własne umiejętności.

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Diagnosis and Prevention

We offer an innovative approach that addresses problems at their source. Our program focuses on a comprehensive understanding of the employee's current situation. All assessments are conducted on-site, at the company's headquarters.

wypalenie zawodowe


1.    Cognitive Function Diagnostics:
       - Neuroflow Test: assessment of central auditory processing disorders
        - EEG Testing: analysis of brain activity
        - Advanced battery of cognitive tests
        - Specialized psychological tests focusing on aspects related to concentration and professional burnout
        - In-depth interview identifying factors affecting the ability to focus
2.    Analysis and Personalization:ion:
        - The employee receives a full psychological report (e.g., for potential treatment if the diagnosis points to ADHD) and a personalized plan for improving concentration and preventing burnout
         - The company receives a strategy to counteract professional burnout at both team and organizational levels
3.   Support:
         - Discussion of intervention strategies with employees and management
         - Workshops on "The Neurobiology of Concentration": understanding the mechanisms of attention
        - Psychoeducational workshops on professional burnout
        - Private consultations for managers: how to support optimal cognitive functioning within the team

Benefits for the Organization

1.   Prevention of Burnout: Addressing concentration issues before they escalate into burnout.
2.   Increased Productivity: Improved focus leads to higher efficiency.
3.   Error Reduction: Better concentration minimizes mistakes and oversights.
4.   Improved Atmosphere: Reducing frustration related to concentration difficulties.
5.   Lower Turnover: Increased job satisfaction by eliminating sources of frustration.
6.   Process Optimization: Identifying and removing distractions in the work environment.
7.   Better Management: Educating managers on how to support optimal cognitive functioning within their teams.

Corporate Packages

Customize the package to your company's needs. Sample packages include:

25 000 PLN
Workshops on :The Neurobiology of Concentration": Understanding the Mechanisms of Attention (3h)
Psychoeducational Workshop on Professional Burnout (1h)
Private Consultations for Managers: How to Support Optimal Cognitive Functioning of the Team (1.5 h)
Prevention Package
100 000 PLN
Workshops on :The Neurobiology of Concentration": Understanding the Mechanisms of Attention (3h)
Psychoeducational Workshop on Professional Burnout (1h)
Private Consultations for Managers: How to Support Optimal Cognitive Functioning of the Team (1.5 h)
Comprehensive on-site diagnosis for 50 employees:
- Neuroflow tests
- EG tests
- Cognitive tests
- Psychological tests
- In-depth interviews
Personalized prevention plan for the employee
Organizational-Level Burnout Prevention Strategy
Premium Package
Workshops on :The Neurobiology of Concentration": Understanding the Mechanisms of Attention (3h)
Psychoeducational Workshop on Professional Burnout (1h)
Private Consultations for Managers: How to Support Optimal Cognitive Functioning of the Team (1.5 h)
Comprehensive on-site diagnosis for more than 50 employees:
- Neuroflow tests
- EG tests
- Cognitive tests
- Psychological tests
- In-depth interviews
Personalized prevention plan for the employee
Organizational-Level Burnout Prevention Strategy
FLOW Training – the highest form of concentration for 5 People


If you're interested in our corporate offer, schedule a conversation with us.
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